Dr. Niaz Ali
Research Publications:
- Shah I, Shoaib M, Ali N, Adikhari A, Tahir MN, Shah SWA, Ishtiaq S, Khan J, Khan S, Umar MN. Sesquiterpene lactone! A promising antioxidant, anticancer and moderate antinociceptive agent from Artemisia macrocephala Jacquem. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine Accepted.
- Ali N, Shoaib M, Shah SWA, Shah I, Shuaib M. Pharmacological Profile Of The Aerial Parts Of Rubus Ulmifolius SCHOTT.BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Accepted in Jan 2017.
- Ali N, Begum R, Faisal MS, Khan A, Nabi M, Shehzadi G, Shakirullah, Ali W. Current statins show calcium channel blocking activity through voltage gated channels. BMC Pharmacology & Toxicology;2016;17:43.
- M. Shoaib, S. W. A. Shah, Ali N, I. Shah M. N. Umar, Shafiullah, M. N. Tahir, M. Ghias. Synthetic flavone derivatives! An antibacterial evaluation and structure activity relationship study. Bulgarian Chemical communications, 2016;48(3):414-421.
- Shah I, Shoaib M, Niaz Ali, Adikhari A and Shah SWA (2016). Involvement of Opioidergic System in the Anti-Nociceptive Potentials of Flavonoids Isolated from Artemisia macrocephala Jacquem. American-Eurasian J. Agric. & Environ. Sci., 16 (3): 460-465, 2016
- Shoaib M, Shah I, Ali N, Shah SWA (2016). A mechanistic approach to anti nociceptive potential of Artemisia macrocephala Jacquem, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 16:141
- Shoaib M, Shah SWA, Ali N, Shah I, Ullah S, Ghias M, Tahir MN, Gul F, Akhtar S, Ullah A, Akbar W and Ullah A. Scientific investigation of crude alkaloids from medicinal plants for the management of pain. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2016; 16:178.
- Junaid M, Linn AK , Javadi MB Al-Gubare S, Ali N, Katzenmeier G (2016). Vacuolating cytotoxin A (VacA) e A multi-talented pore-forming toxin from Helicobacter pylori. Toxicon 2016; 118:27-35.
- Niaz Ali,Ulfat sultana , Syed Wadood Ali Shah Muhammad Nabi, Shakirullah, Ismail Shah, Ghayour Ahmed. Acute Toxicity And Analgesic Activity Of Crude Flavonoids Of Achillea Wilhelmsii And Teucrium Stocksianum. Published online in KMUJ
- Shoaib M, Shah SWA, Ali N, Shah I, Umar MN, Shafiullah, Ayaz M, Tahir MN, Akhtar S. In vitro enzyme Inhibition potentials and antioxidant activity of synthetic flavone derivatives. Journal of Chemistry, volume 2015 (2015):7 (available on http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/516878).
- Ali N, Jamil A, Shah SWA, Shah I, Ahmed G, Junaid M, Ahmed Z (2015). Parasiticidal and Brine Shrimp cytotoxicity potential of crude methanolic extract of rind of Punica granatum Linn against round worms and the tape worms. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical sciences, 2015, 28:959-962.
- Shoaib M, Shah I, Ali, N; Shah, Shah SWA. In vitro acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase inhibitory potentials of essential oil of Artemisia macrocephala Jacquem. Bangladesh Journal of Pharmacology, 2015;10:87-91.
- Ali N, Alam H, Khan A, Ahmad G, Shah SWA, Nabi M, Junaid M. Antidiarrheal and antispasmodic activity of the fruit of Rosa moschata (J). BMC compl Altern Medicine 2014;14:485.
- Ali N, Junaid M, Ahmad D, Rehman MU, Ali N, Katzenmeier G (2104). Antibacterial and antifungal activity of solvent extract from Plumeria obtusa Linn. Exhibit high antibacterial and antifungal activity. Tropical Biomedicine,2014; 31(4):607-615.
- Junaid M, Gubare SA, Yousef M, Ubol MN, Leetachewa S, Muanprasat C, Angsuthanasombat C, Chaicumpa W, Ali N, Katzenmeier G. Sequence and Apoptotic Activity of VacA Cytotoxin Cloned from a Helicobacter pylori Thai Clinical Isolate. BioMed Research International,2014; 1-9; http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/398350
- Niaz Ali, Abidullah, Sohail Akhtar, Wadood Ali Shah, Muhammad Junaid. Factors Associated With Peptic Ulcer: A Single Centre Experience At Tertiary Care Hospital Of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. KMUJ 2013, 5 (1):18-21.
- Junaid M, Angsuthanasombat C, Wikberg JES, Ali N, Katzenmeier G. A straightforward experimental approach to expression, purification, refolding and enzymatic analysis of recombinant dengue virus NS2B(H)-NS3pro protease. Biochemistry Moscow 2013, 78(8): 920-924.
- Junaid M, Angsuthanasombat C, Wikberg JES, Ali N, Katzenmeier G. Enzymatic Analysis of the Dengue Virus Nonstructural Protein NS3 Nucleoside Triphosphatase /Helicase Activities. Biochemistry Moscow 2013, 78(8): 925-932.
- Ali N, Aleem U, Shah SWA, Ahmed G, Shoaib M, Junaid M, Ali W. Acute toxicity, Brine Shrimps cytotoxicity, anthelmintic and relaxant potential of Rubus fruticosus. BMC complementary and Alternative medicine 2013, 13:138 doi:10.1186/1472-6882-13-138
- Ali N. Brine shrimp cytotoxicity of crude methanol extract and antispasmodic activity of α-amyrin acetate from Tylophora hirsuta Wall. Published in BMC complementary and alternative medicine 2013, 13:135 doi:10.1186/1472-6882-13-135.
- Ali N, Shah I, Shah SWA, Ahmed G, Shoaib M, Junaid M, Waqar Ali. Antioxidant and relaxant activity of fractions of crude methanol extract and essential oil of Artemisia macrocephala Jacquem. BMC complementary and Alternative medicine 2013, 13:96 doi:10.1186/1472-6882-13-96
- Barkat BB, Ibrar M, Ali N, Muhammad N, Rehmatullah (2013). Antispasmodic potential of leaves, barks and fruits of Zanthoxylum armatum DC. Afr J Pharm Pharmacol 7(13):685-693 (work carried out under supervision of Dr. Niaz Ali as collaborative PhD student).
- Barkat BB, Ibrar M, Muhammad N, Ali N, Halimi SMA (2012). Antispasmodic profile of ethanolic extract of leaves of Skimmia laureola. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine, 1-4. Available on: www.elsevier.com/locate/apjtb (work carried out under supervision of Dr. Niaz Ali as collaborative PhD student)
- Niaz Ali, Syed Wadood Shah, Ismail Shah, Ghayour Ahmed, Mehreen Ghias and Imran Khan (2011). Cytotoxic and anthelmintic potential of crude saponins isolated from Achillea Wilhelmsii C. Koch and Teucrium stocksianum Boiss. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2011.11:104.
- Niaz Ali, Ghayour Ahmed, Syed Wadood Ali Shah, Ismail Shah, Mehreen Ghias, Imran Khan (2011). Acute toxicity, brine shrimp cytotoxicity and relaxant activity of fruits of Callistemon citrinus Curtis. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2011, 11:99 doi:10.1186 /1472-6882-11-99.
- Niaz Ali, Syed Wadood Shah, Ismail Shah, Ghayour Ahmed, Mehreen Ghias, Imran Khan and Waqar Ali (2012). Anthelmintic and relaxant activities of Verbascum thapsus Mullein. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2012.12.
- Niaz Ali, Bashir Ahmad, Wadood Ali Shah (2011). Spasmogenic and spasmolytic activity of Onosma griffithii Vatke. Pakistan journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 24(4):553-558.
- Bashir A, Ibrar K, Shumaila B, Sadiq A, Niaz Ali (2011). The antifungal, cytotoxic, anti-termite and insecticidal activities of Zizyphus jujuba. Pakistan journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 24(4):489-493.
- Bashir A, Sadiq A, Shumaila B, Ibrar K, Niaz Ali, MI Choudhary (2011). Phytotoxic, Anti-bacterial and Haemagglutination activities of the aerial parts of Myrsine africana L. African journal of Biotechnology 10(1): 97-102.
- Niaz Ali, Syed Wadood Ali Shah (2011). Preliminary phytochemical screening and
Antispasmodic activity of Artemisia macrocephala Jacquem. Journal of young pharmacists. 3(2):125-128.
- Alya Maimoona , Ismat Naeem , Zeb Saddiqe, Niaz Ali, Ghayour Ahmed, Ismail Shah (2011). Analysis of total flavonoids and phenolic in different fractions of bark and needle extracts of Pinus roxburghii and Pinus wallichiana. Journal of Medicinal Plant Research. 5(13):2724-2728.
- Bashir A, Ibrar K, Shumaila B, Sadiq A, Niaz Ali (2011). Screening of Accacia modesta for antifungal, anti-termites, anti-oxidant and brine shrimp cytotoxic activities. Journal of Medicinal Plant Research. 5(15):3380-3386.
- Naveed Ullah, Afzal Haq Asif , Mir Azam Khan, Waqar Ahmad, Niaz Ali, Taimur Khan, Afrasiab Ali Shah (2011). Chemical analyses of Naswar and cigarettes; a comparative study. International Journal of Basic and Clinical Research, 1(1):12-14
- Niaz Ali, Syed Wadood Ali Shah, Bashir Ahmad (2011). Calcium Channel Blocking activity of Callistemon citrinus. Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan. 33(2):245-248.
- Niaz Ali, Rehman S, Shah SWA, Khan J, Rehman S, Imran M, Hussian I, Shehbaz
N, Jamshed H, Khan S (2010). Pharmacotherapy based problems in the management of diabetes mellitus: Needs much more to be done! Journal of young Pharmacists 2(3): 311-314.
- Syed Wadood Ali Shah, Sameer A Kamil, Waqar Ahmad, Niaz Ali (2010). Spasmogenic, spasmolytic and antihypertensive activity of Forsskalea tenacissima. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 4:381-385.
- Niaz Ali, Syed Wadood Ali Shah (2010). Spasmolytic activity of fruits of Tamarindus indica L. Journal of young Pharmacists 2(3): 261-264.
- Niaz Ali, Wadood AS (2010). Antispasmodic activity of Teucrium stocksianum Bioss. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 24(2):171-174.
- Niaz Ali, Bashir Ahmad, Shumaila Bashir, Jehandar Shah, Sadiq Azam, Manzoor Ahmad (2009). Calcium channel blocking activities of Withania coagulans L. African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 3(9): 439-442.
- Niaz Ali, Rehman S, Imran M, Hussian I, Shehbaz N, Jamshed H, Hayat A, Khan S, Anwar MJ (2009). The in-practice prescribing pattern for antibiotics in the management of diabetic foot: Needs much more to be done! Journal of Young Pharmacists 1(4):375-378.
- Bashir Ahmad, Niaz Ali, Shumaila Bashir, Sadiq Azam, M. Ibrar Jamshid Khan (2009). Cholinomimetic and calcium channel blocking activity of the aerial parts of Tylophora hirsuta Wall. Journal of Chemical Society of Pakistan 31:647-651.
- Ahmad Bashir, Niaz Ali, Shumaila Bashir, Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary (2009). Biological activities of aerial parts of Tylophora hirsuta Wall. African Journal of
Biotechnology 8(18): 4627-4631.
- B. Ahmad, Niaz Ali, S. Bashir, M. I. Choudhary, S. Azam and I. Khan (2009). Parasiticidal, antifungal and antibacterial activities of Onosma griffithii Vatke. African Journal of Biotechnology 8(19):5084-5087.
- Bashir Ahmad, Niaz Ali, Sadiq Azam and Shumaila Bashir (2012). Blood pressure lowering effect of Tylophora hirsuta Wall. African journal of Biotechnology, 11(12):3009-3013.
- S. Kamel, Niaz Ali, K. Jahangir, S. M. Shah, A. A. El-Gendy (2008). Pharmaceutical
Significance of cellulose: A review. eXPRESS Polymer Letters 2(11): 758–778
- Niaz Ali, Syed Wadood Ali Shah, Ghayour Ahmed, Ismail Shah. Mohammad Shoaib, Muhammad Junaid, Waqar Ali (2014). Acute toxicity and antispasmodic activities of Achillea wilhelmsii C. Koch.Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 27(2):309-315.
- Junaid M, Adnan M Khan N,Khan N, Rahman MU, Ali N (2013). Plant growth, biochemical characteristics and heavy metals Contents of Medicago sativa l., Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. and Cicer arietinum L. FUUAST Journal of Biology. 3(2): 95-103.
- Shoaib M, Shah SWA*, Ali N, Shah I, Ullah S, Ayaz M, Tahir MN, Akhtar S. Synthesis, antinociceptive activity and structure activity relationship of flavone derivatives. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Accepted.
- Ali N. Students’ perceptions about use of multimedia projectors for information transfer in class room - A single center experience. Advances in Health Professions Education. Published online http://ahpe.kmu.edu.pk/article/view/40 (in press)
- Ismail shah, Niaz Ali. Anti-lipo-oxygenase activity! An attempt for anti-nociceptive activity of Artemisia macrocephala Jacquem." Submitted to Behavioural Pharmacology.
- Niaz Ali, Syed Wadood Ali Shah, Mohammad Shaoib, Ismail Shah, Shafi Ullah, Muhammad Ayaz, Muhammad Nawaz Tahir and Sohail Akhtar. Synthesis and Antinociceptive Activity Of Novel 2′,3′-Dichloro Flavone - A preclinical study". Submitted in revised form to BMC Pharmacology & Toxicology.
- Niaz Ali , Amjad Mustafa, Ulfat Imran, Aslam Khan, Ghayour Ahmad, Wadood Ali Shah, Muhammad Nabi, Waqar Ali, Ismail Shah, Muhammad shoaib, Shakirullah. Acute toxicity, anthelmintic and antispasmodic potential of bark of Ailanthus altissima (Mill). Submitted to BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
- Niaz Ali, Ayesha Jamil, Syed Wadood Ali Shah, Ismail Shah, Ghayour Ahmed. Acute toxicity, spasmogenic and spasmolytic activity of rind of Punica granatum Linn. Submitted to BMC Pharmacology & Toxicology.
Associate professor
Area of Specialization:
Pharmacological Screening (Pharmacology)
B. Pharm
Ph. D
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